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맹원식과 그의 재즈오케스트라 / Maeng Won-Sik & his Jazz Orchestra

Beatball 맹원식과 그의 재즈오케스트라 / Maeng Won-Sik & his Jazz Orchestra :

성불사의 밤 A Night At Seongbulsa - (05-04-2018) digital / (19-11-2018) LP CR 69039

There isn’t so much jazz in Korea. This is professional and modern sounding orchestral and rather filmic partially groovy music, which partly makes it hard to believe this recording is already over 40 years old, it surely does not sound dated at all, rather like a reinterpretation of music of these days mixed with jazz arrangements. Here and there the filmic and jazz elements are mixed with Korean folklore elements like arirang rhythms and tunes, and of course there are some big band aka some brass band arrangements too and 50s guitar pickings with grand full orchestra. The arrangements everywhere are different, sound fresh at each corner and swing and shift smoothly. The last couple of tracks are rather filmic late evening dance hall smooth swing jazz.

Label's intro:

"Maeng Won-sik is a musician who began his professional career as a saxophonist and arranger. He is a major figure in the history of Korean gayo, having conducted and arranged music for large-scale shows of various popular singers (Hye-euni, Hah Chun-hwa, the Hee Sisters) from the 1970s to the 1980s. Additionally, he delved deeply into the project of modernizing / jazz-ifying traditional Korean songs (gagok) and folk tunes, producing a plentiful works as a result. This is a Beatball Pops Koreana reissue of one of the ulminations of Maeng’s musical efforts, as originally released by Daesung Records. The tracks here include tunes that were arranged by Maeng during the late 1960s and recorded / released during the mid-early 1970s, meticulously remastered using the original master tapes from Daesung Records. The record showcases Maeng’s ingenious interpretations of gagok and folk songs into the big band / boogaloo style, and represents a restoration of a once-forgotten page in Korean jazz history. This work is an important testament to the history of big band jazz during the 1970s in Korea."

Maeng Wonsik & His Jazz Orchestra

[출처] 맹원식과 그의 째즈 오케스트라 <성불사의 밤> LP재발매반 4월 5일 공개!|작성자 비트볼 뮤직 그룹

"The long-awaited reissue of a 70s masterpiece and one of the monumental achievements in the history of Korean jazz, renowned for big band arrangements of traditional folk songs and classical music (Gagok). Strange yet entirely unique amalgam of swing, lounge, boogaloo and various elements of Korean pop music at the time, put together beautifully by idiosyncratic composer/arranger Maeng Won-sik and his impeccable jazz orchestra."

특히 이 재발매반은 50년대 미 8군 악단을 시작으로 재즈와 가요계를 넘나들며

수많은 작편곡과 경음악 작품을 남겨온 맹원식 선생님의 90년 발매작, '성불사의 밤'

이동기, 최선배 등 동시대를 살아온 동료 재즈맨들이 총동원 된 작품으로

맹원식 선생님이 일생을 천착해온 '동요, 가곡, 민요의 재즈화' 의 최종 결과물이 본 앨범입니다.

다행스럽게도 앨범의 마스터테잎이 온전히 보관된 상태여서 보다 나은 음질로 발매할 수 있겠네요.

해설에는 한국 재즈 100년사를 집필하신 박성건 님이 맡아주셨습니다.

[출처] 맹원식과 그의 째즈 오케스트라 <성불사의 밤> LP재발매반 4월 5일 공개!|작성자 비트볼 뮤직 그룹

"In the 50's, he moved to the jazz and music scenes, starting with the eighth US band. On Myung Won-sik's 90's year they released 'Sungbulsa Night',with which they left behind numerous compositions and instrumental works. It was a mobilized work of fellow jazzmen who lived in the same age as Lee Dong-gi and Choi Jee-bae. This album is the final result of 'Jazz painting of nursery rhymes, songs, and folk songs' that Myung Won-sik has been striving for life.

Fortunately, the album's master tape is fully stored, so it can be released with better sound quality. "

Commentary was given by Park Sung Gun, who wrote the 100 Year History of Korean Jazz. [Source] Maeng Won-sik and his jazz orchestra <The Night of the Holy Buddha> LP re-release group April 5 release! | Author Beatball Music Group

1960년대와 70년대에 작편곡자로서 대중적으로 명성을 떨친 음악인들을 사람들은 길옥윤, 이봉조, 박춘석 정도로 기억한다. 물론 혜은이, 현미, 이미자로 이어지는 그들의 사단은 시대를 풍미하며 우리 민중의 가슴속에 자리잡았다. 하지만 우리 대중음악사에는 수많은 작편곡자들이 있었기에 오늘날 K-POP이 탄생되었으며 그들의 숨은 노력을 우리는 기억할 필요가 있다. 그런 의미에서 맹원식은 우리가 기억해야 할 또 한 명의 작편곡자다. 하춘화, 이미자, 이주일의 리사이틀를 비롯하여 30여장의 음반을 발표하였고, 워커힐의 전속악단장을 역임하면서 우리나라를 방문한 외국사절들과 음악인들에게 대한민국 음악의 높은 수준을 보여주며 평생을 작편곡에 매달렸던그를 우리는 주목해야 한다.

1935년. 맹원식은 부친의사업상 중국 만주(滿洲)로 이전하여 신경(新京)에서 태어났다. 이후 함경북도 청평으로 옮겼다가 남하하여 서울 동작구 대방동에 위치한 성남고등보통학교를 다녔고. 그 시기에 유행하던 브라스밴드를 따라다니며 음악에 관심을 갖기 시작했다고 한다. 그리고 6.25가 발발하자 교장이던 김석원이 의용군에 지원하라는 권유로 육군 보병 제1사단 군악대에 입대하게 된다. 그는 당시 어렵게 군악대에 들어갔지만 색소폰 실력이 모자라 상당히 고생을 했다고한다. 때문에 연주보다는 연락병을 하기 일쑤였고 모자란 실력을 채우기 위해 제대 후 이교숙을 찾아가게된다. 그때가 1961년.이교숙은 해군군악장교로 1955년부터 1957년 2년동안 미해군 군악학교에 유학을 다녀와 국내에 하프연주법과 재즈빅밴드 편곡법을 가르치기 시작했는데 그에게 배운연주인들이 신중현(기타), 이인성(기타), 김희갑(기타, 작곡가), 정성조(색소폰) 등이었으며 맹원식 또한 그의 제자가 되어 대중음악계에 실력자로서 인정받기 시작한다. 특히 그는 이교숙 사사 이후 여러 차례 경연대회에서 수상하게 되는데 1963년문화공보부 주최 제2회 전국신인예술상 경연대회, 연예부분작곡특상문화공보부장관상을 시작으로 1969년과 1970년에는 동양방송, 중앙일보가 주최하는 전국 경음악경연대회에서 2회 연속으로 편곡부 문최우수상을 수상하였다.

경연대회에서 실력은 인정받은 그는 1965년 KBS TV 전임편곡자로 활동하면서 본격적으로 음악계에서 활동하였다. 특히 당시 방송프로그램들은 대부분 악단연주를 배경으로 쇼프로그램을 진행했는데 맹원식의 편곡은 빛을 발했다. 그는 결국 1965년부터 1984년까지 미군과 외국인들이 주로 묵었던 워커힐호텔 극장의 전속안단장으로 재직하면서 명성을 떨쳤다. 대규모의 빅밴드가연주할 수 있도록 편곡하고 악보를 만들 수 있는 작편곡자는 우리나라에 많지 않았기 때문이었다. 그는 워커힐호텔 활동을 하는 한편 유명가수들 리싸이틀의 편곡과 지휘자로 활약하였는데 1974년부터 1978년까지 5회 연속 하춘화 리싸이틀을 맡았으며 서영춘, 이미자, 혜은이, 희자매, 이주일 등 70년대에그의 손을 거친 공연들과 악보들은 가요계 발전에 상당한 역할을 했다.

뿐만 아니라 그는 작편곡자로서 다수의 앨범을 발표하고 참여하기도 하였는데 1970년 영화배우 장동휘의 연기생활 30주년 기념작품이면서 맹원식의 신세기레코드사 전속기념작품인 ‘소공동 노신사’는 그의 주요작으로창작곡 <이슬비>를 비롯하여 <퇴계로의 밤은 짙어>, <초심>, <길잃은 철새> 등 그의 창작곡을 들을 수 있는 음반이다. 또한 1973년에 발매된 전집 ‘잊을 수 없는 멜로디’중 2, 11,12편을 담당한 맹원식은 우리 가요, 가곡, 민요를빅밴드로 형식으로 편곡하여 지휘한 곡들을 발표하였는데 노래들은 한국 빅밴드의 현주소를 보여주는 작품들로 합주음악의 교과서로 불릴 수 있는 노래들로 완성되었다. 마지막으로 이번에 재발매로 소개되는 1990년에발매된 ‘성불사의 밤’ 음반은 맹원식 음악인생의 결정체로서그의 중요 작품에 속한다.

이후 맹원식은 1990년대부터 콰테스 재즈오케스트라, 롯데월드 마칭밴드의 악단장으로 일하면서 후학양성에도 힘을 기울여서 이충재(작곡), 이한진(트럼본) 등이그의 제자로서 활약하고 있다. 특히 변변한 화성학책 한 권 없던 시절 그는 1935년생으로 일본 색소폰연주자이며 버클리음악대학을 졸업한 아타나베 사다오의 재즈스터디 메소드(Jazz Study Method)를 번역, 국내에 소개하여 한국 재즈화성학발전에 크게 기여한 공로가 크다.

이제는 원로음악인으로서 한국저작권협회에서 재즈화성학을 가르치며 음악인로서의 삶을 값지게 이어나가고 있는 맹원식. 그 동안 크게 알려지지 않았지만 새롭게 재조명되고 기억될 필요가 있는 음악인으로 그의 작품들은 우리 곁에 늘 자리하고 있었다.

출처: [맹원식의 음악과 삶]

Google translation (with mistakes) : In the 1960's and 70's, people remembered musicians who were popular as composers, such as Gil Ok Yoon, Lee Bong Jo, and Park Chun Seok. Of course, their division, which leads to Hye Eun Lee, Brown Rice, (?) and Hyeon-Mi, is settled in the hearts of our people. However, there are many composers in our popular music history, and today K-POP was born, and we need to remember their hidden efforts. In that sense, the monarchy is another composer to remember. He released more than 30 albums including Ha Chun-hwa, Lee Mi-ja, and Lee Ju-il's recital. It should be noted.

1935. Maeng Yuan Shi was born in Xinqing, where he moved to Manchu, China, for his father's business. After moving to Cheongpyeong, North Hamgyong Province, he went to Seongnam High School, located in Daebang-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul. It was said that he started to become interested in music by following the popular brass band at that time. After the outbreak of the war in June 25, the principal Kim Seok-won joined the army band of the 1st Division of Army Infantry. He entered the military band hard at the time, but suffered from a lack of saxophone skills. Because of this, rather than playing a liaison, I often try to fill the lack of skills to go to Lee Kyo-suk after the discharge. In 1961, Lee Kyo-sook was a Navy military officer who went to the US Navy Military School for 1 year from 1955 to 1957 and began teaching half-playing and jazz big band arrangements in Korea. Lee In-sung (guitar), Kim Hee-gap (guitar, composer), Jung Sung-jo (saxophone), etc. Mang-sik also became his disciple and began to be recognized as a talent in the popular music world. In particular, he will be awarded several contests since Lee Kyo-suk, including the 2nd National Rookie Awards held by the Ministry of Culture and Public Affairs in 1963, and the Minister of Culture and Public Affairs of the Ministry of Culture, Music, and Music in 1969 and 1970. Has won the award for the second consecutive song at the National Instrumental Competition.

Recognized for his skills in the contest, he worked full time in 1965 as a full-time arranger for KBS TV. In particular, most of the broadcast programs at that time performed show programs in the background of band performances. He was renowned for his role as an exclusive director of the Walkerhill Hotel Theatre, where US soldiers and foreigners stayed mainly from 1965 to 1984. This is because there are not many composers in Korea who can arrange music and make music for large bands. He worked as a Walkerhill Hotel and arranged and conducted the renowned singer's recital. Performances and music played a significant role in the development of the music industry.

He also published and participated in a number of albums as a composer. In 1970, the actress Jang Dong-Hwi's acting life was celebrated, and his first work, 'Songgong-dong Old Sinsa', a memorial dedicated to the New Century Records company, was his main work. In addition to this, he is able to listen to his creations such as The Dark Night of Toegye, Beginner, and The Lost Migratory Bird. In addition, Mae Won-sik, who played 2, 11, and 12 of the `` Unforgettable Melody '' series released in 1973, released the songs that directed our songs, songs, and folk songs in the form of big bands. The works showcase the current address of the song and are complete with songs that can be called textbooks of ensemble music. Lastly, this album, released in 1990, was released in 1990 and the Holy Night of Immortals is a critical piece of the Mang-sik music life.

Since then, he has worked as a band leader of the Quartes jazz orchestra and Lotte World Marching Band since 1990. In 1935, he was a Japanese saxophonist who was a Japanese saxophonist and graduated from Berkeley College of Music. Now he is a senior musician who teaches jazz harmonics at the Korea Copyright Association and continues his life as a musician. His work has always been with us as a musician who has not been greatly known but needs to be reexamined and remembered.

Source: [Music and Life of the Oath]

SIDE A 1.성불사의 밤 2.옛동산에 올라 3.봉선화 4.사우 5.동심초 SIDE B 1.아리랑 메들리 2.신고산 타령 3.오봉산 타령 4.고향생각

1.A Night At Seongbulsa 08:18 2. Old Hill 04:39 3. Garden Balsam 05:12 4. Think About A Friend 03:12 5. Paja De Camello 02:09 6. Arirang Medley 04:03 7. Sin-Go-San Taryeong 03:22

8. O-Bong-San Taryeong 06:14 9. Homesickness 09:30

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